October 2023

What’s the difference? – Tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems.

What’s the difference between tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems? This is a question we often get asked and one we’re always happy to answer. Having a tool mounted monitoring system, over a wearable monitor, such as a watch, removes variables that effect the data gathered. With wearable tech, there are still questions around the

What’s the difference? – Tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems. Read More »


Controlling HAV Risks

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 aim to ensure that individuals do not experience harm to their health due to hand-arm vibration. Therefore, your primary focus as an employer, should be on managing and mitigating the risks associated with exposure to hand-arm vibration. Whenever there is exposure to hand-arm vibration exceeding the EAV

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